Why does that remind me of blogging? Swinging from blog to blog. Reading what we like. Responding if we want. Moving on to another. Some we relate to very well. Others seem like they are written in another language. Oh, that's right; they ARE written in another language. (Click "next blog" and you'll see what I mean. But be careful, there's a world of gross out there. Hmmm... just like the primates.) But sometimes, the ones that seem like they're written in another language are written in English.
We see each others' problems, disappointments and trials. We relate. We leave a comment if we think it might help. We read of joys and accomplishments. We leave a comment to congratulate. Helping with fleas and scratching backs.
Why do we do it?
I know I started in a time of trauma. And I know of some others who did the same. The desire to communicate. The need to vent. Some have started to keep in touch with distant relatives, and others at important milestones in their lives.
We are so afraid to share. At work, because we absolutely above all else must be PC. What if we mentioned (gasp) religion and someone was offended. Sensitivity training is in your future, right along with a nasty note in your HR file! And really, these people are our co-workers, for heaven's sake. Not real friends. They don't care about our problems. (And often we're right about that!)
We're afraid to share with our neighbors because if we offend them, well, they are our neighbors and they know where we live.
We're afraid to share at church. Maybe because we wouldn't look quite as spiritual without the smile. Sometimes, I think, because we are afraid that in that one last bastion of hope, people would be offended, and gone is all possibility that there is really someone in this world who can understand. Not necessarily agree, but understand, and not mind that you feel differently than they do about an issue. And maybe most often, it's just a lack of time spent together. Getting to know each other enough to trust and share. Classes are great, but it's very difficult to open up in a large group (which for me is more than 3 or 4 people). I think this blog thing gives us a chance to share, to vent, to communicate however we want. About whatever we want. Whenever we want. If we want, with some semblance of anonymity. No threats. No worries. No insecurities.