Friday, November 13, 2009

The new math: a la CDC

The CDC has announced what appears to be appalling numbers on the swine flu. 22 million sickened since April. 4,000 dead, including 540 children. And yet the CDC advised states to stop testing for H1N1 and to stop counting cases in July. So what magical math formula do they use to determine how many cases of this dreaded illness have occurred? According to the CDC's website, all flu cases and deaths are being counted together. Which calculator are they using to determine the numbers that are hitting headlines the last few days?

CBS investigated this oddity, and of course, the CDC had no logical explanation, and refused to provide information until CBS submitted a freedom of information request. Even then, it took 2 months for the CDC to provide the requested data.

Recently, a local news clip recommended that people who already had the flu should still get the vaccine, "just in case" it really wasn't the H1N1 virus. Hmmm.....seems like the odds would be pretty slim according to the CDC's logic that says that if you have flu symptoms, in all probability, you have H1N1.

Color me cynical, but I have to question these numbers and the decisions this organization is making. Decisions that have tremendous impact on our health and our children's health. Surely a government organization would not make a decision based on the possibility of losing money on paid-for, but unused, doses of vaccines! Three words, people: Guillain-Barre Syndrome. If you aren't familiar with this, google it or use whatever research options you have. This is an ACKNOWLEDGED risk factor with the current vaccine. Do not think that the pharmaceutical companies are worried about adverse outcomes due to their poorly tested vaccines. The government has granted immunity to vaccine producers. The CDC will tell you this is a 1 in 1 million risk factor. But is it worth the risk for an illness that you are far less likely to get than the CDC's new math would lead you to believe? Here's a report on one person's experience:,2933,574910,00.html?test=latestnews

You can read the CBS report and then make an informed decision about the piggy flu vaccine.....and, if you have already received this one, consider the possible consequences when the next "epidemic" comes around.

Monday, April 27, 2009

When I say, "I am blessed...."

I've been working through something over the last several months. Every time I say, "I am blessed" it seems to be in reference to some "thing" I received or some wonderful event in life. Is this scriptural? Is this what it really means to be blessed by God? And when something difficult comes along, I seem to say, "blah, blah, blah happened, BUT I am so blessed" referring to other aspects of my life; because there surely could be no blessing in the bad stuff. I am not in any way suggesting that we don't have times of sadness or grieving. I am not making light of the hard times every one of us experiences. But God can bless us by the hard times. He can bless us by sickness, misery, financial woes, loss of a loved one. He can bless us any way He wants. When I'm open to the Holy Spirit's voice, I often hear, "This may seem disappointing right now, but I am protecting you from things you know nothing about."

Not too long ago, a friend said to me, "You have a good life," and before I could tame my tongue I said, "I am blessed." My initial thought was that I wanted to give credit where credit was God. But in a way, I said to her, "I am blessed and you are not."

I also realize that sometimes the things we experience are a result of evil....deliberate evil, by evil people. Yet God is still in control. He will forbid and allow as He sees fit.

Genesis 50:20
"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive."

I Peter 3:14
But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed and do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled...

I hope that some day I can get to the point where I refer to everything God allows to touch my life as a blessing.

James 1:2-3
Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Random thoughts....

My granddaughter asked for this....

I do NOT like the wind. A tiny breeze when it is very hot outside is welcome. But this swirling mess of dust, leaves, and hair in my eyes is not nice.

The older I get the more easily I am overwhelmed by a busy schedule. The weeks leading up to Easter and Christmas are the busiest at my job, and I don't feel like I am handling this nearly as well as I used to.

I am ready to get some flowers planted in the yard. Now if that dratted wind would just stop!

I am looking forward to decorating Easter Eggs with the munchkins on Friday. It is always great fun and a great mess!

I'm glad baseball season has started.

I'm disappointed, but not surprised, that the Stars will not be in the playoffs this year.

I HATE the windows operating system. Just think if everything in life had the same 'fixes' as windows. Turn it off and turn it back on. Imagine what a joy that would be while driving down the freeway. cake is halfway baked, but the oven is making a weird noise. Just turn it off, let it rest for a few minutes, and turn it back on. Yay for fallen cakes. You get the picture.....Microsoft is evil.

I love spring. And I love autumn. Summer is a bit too hot, but not so much now that we have a pool. I HATE winter.

I'm glad we bought a Wii for the munchkins for Christmas, and I'm glad it lives at our house. I think we use it as much as the kiddos.

Sunday we will celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is too wonderful for me to fully comprehend. Thank you Lord Jesus!!!!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Is it really over already?

The whirlwind that was the holiday season is over. It took 8.4 seconds. It was great fun and a blessing as always. Some highlights; some low lights; and, of course, munchkin pictures:

Highlights: The annual children's Christmas parade; two parties at our house with friends from church; a new slender Christmas tree that fits into the new arrangement of our living/dining room; making gingerbread houses; taking Kannon Christmas shopping; picking my brother up at the airport; taking a carriage ride to see the lights in Highland Park; Christmas eve with family and friends- stockings, snacks, and eggnog; Christmas day- watching the kids have a blast, eating some amazing beef short ribs (if I may say so myself); the funnest iPod EVER; Manheim Steamroller concert; Cirque Dreams at the Nokia theater.

Low lights: I got a sinus infection, was sick for a week and was unable to sing at the Christmas eve service; a bizzarre reaction to the antibiotic (next time, I may just suffer through it!); putting eleventy million white and gold lights on the new tree; taking down the decorations; taking my brother back to the airport.
